Can you use wallpaper in bathrooms?

Can you use wallpaper in bathrooms?

YES, you can use wallpaper in a bathroom!  Here's how....

Which type of wallpaper is best for bathrooms?

Vinyl wallpaper is the best type to install in a humid bathroom environment.  Vinyl wallpaper is water-resistant and can easily be wiped down, and it shouldn't absorb water that could lead to mildew or mold problems.

How can you protect wallpaper in the bathroom?

If you can't find a vinyl wallpaper you like, or if you're set on having a particular wallpaper in your bathroom, there is an option of using a clear varnish over the paper to seal it from moisture.

Where can you put wallpaper in a bathroom?

Wallpaper can go just about anywhere in the bathroom except the shower area, including the shower walls, and any open wall space above the enclosure. However, wallpaper can work behind a freestanding bath because your not planning on getting the walls wet.

For more information and tips contact us via our website, email or telephone and we would be more than happy to help!